Cotton played a major part in the Industrial Revolution (getting fed up of writing that now) some say it led the way for other industries, they literally 'cottoned on!' This is the Cotton Times website; links, timelines, info, biographies interactive maps and even a bibliography for you to copy... I mean make use of! Click on the cotton to take a look!
Watt's all this then? I hear you cry! Well click on the picture for more links to do with the Industrial Revolution. it will hopefulyl clear up some of those 'Whats?' you have been acking yourself..........god these puns are hard work now, they used to come so easily! any help gratefully recieved!
For all things to do with the Revolution...the Industrial Revolution, click on the picture for a link to site that has a number of primary sources, which you never know, may just help with your coursework.!!!! Enjoy Comrade!
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I Ain't Goin On No Website Fool!
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Oh, and leave your name so i know who to blame......i mean thank!
The H-Team Van
Crazy Fool! (That's what my ex-military friends shouted when i bought this)