Here's a real swell site that'll stop you bein' a Dumb Dora and turn you into the Cat's Miaow, well as long as it's to do with uncle's Sams ban on the giggle water... all aspects of 1920s life is covered including a section on 20's slang!
Add the Mini H-team to your Myspace/Blogger/facebook/typepad account. Go on you know you want one! All the cool kids have got one! It ain't big but it is clever! CLICK THE LINK BELOW !
I Ain't Goin On No Website Fool!
OY! Leave a COMMENT, that way the H-Team can improve... hopefully!
Oh, and leave your name so i know who to blame......i mean thank!
The H-Team Van
Crazy Fool! (That's what my ex-military friends shouted when i bought this)
Dont keep it bottled up, speak easy..... Another silly joke that would humour Hoben.
Hoben why is there nothing about prohibition agents on here hmm?
There is information about prohibition agents such as izzie just have to READ it!!!!!
Love the Anthill Mob!!! Will be saying 'Hey Clyde' and laughing like a mad woman again!!!
Naughty teacher not using capitals for peoples' names though!! :(
Izzy Einstein and Mo Smith will be turning in their graves!
Parent of year 10
Oh I say!
Yes that parent is quite right.
Capitals sir!!
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